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Retrieve wrong DateTime

I'm using this code below to retrieve the value for the TimeGenerated on a win32 event log on a remote server.

$event = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $server -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE LogFile='Application' AND CategoryString = 'Server Startup'" |
         Select  -ExpandProperty TimeGenerated -First 1

The return value is:


but the event log via the event viewer shows this as the value:

Logged: 1/23/2016 10:59:33 AM

How would I extract the correct date in the format above?


  • As an aside, if you run your command in the ISE, you can discover properties and commands on the objects returned using IntelliSense.

    That said, this article talks a lot about "eventlog" and "TimeGenerated" (the 2 terms I searched on the find this answer).

    Don't use -ExpandProperty, but rather call ConvertToDateTime() something similar to what I show below (I modified your call to just grab the first event in my log).

    $obj = Get-WMIObject -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE LogFile='Application'" | Select -First 1 

    This outputs a formatted date converted from raw UTC to local time.

    TimeGenerated    : 20160124010615.134877-000


    1/23/2016 5:06:15 PM

    I think with this info, you have a workable solution to build upon.