I'd like to use ios-charts on my iOS App written in Objective-C, and tried to fetch it from cocoapods.
My Podfile is
platform :ios, "9.0"
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'FMDB', '~> 2.0'
pod 'Charts', '~> 2.1'
I could retrieve Charts, but couldn't find 'Charts.xcodeproj'.
Reading README.md, it says
Drag the Charts.xcodeproj to your project
But I couldn't find that file.
Does anybody know how to get 'Charts.xcodeproj' using cocoapods?
If you decide to intregrate the library with CocoaPods , put your Podfile on the same folder of your .xcodeproj project,then open a terminal ,navigate to that path and write:
pod install
After installation completes,close Xcode and open your newly created .xcworkspace file. Be careful: don't open your .xcodeproj but open .xcworkspace instead.
To use your newly imported files just do:
@import Charts; // put this in the class where you want to use Charts!