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Add Bootstrap Tooltip when Bootstrap Switch is Disabled

Similar to this question using a Bootstrap Button I am looking to add a tooltip to appear when my Bootstrap Switch is disabled.

I have this JSFiddle that disables the Switch when the map reaches a certain zoom as per the code below. I now want to add a tooltip that tells the user to zoom in when the Switch is disabled.

map.on('zoomend', function (e) {
    // Add/remove layers based on zoom level
    if (map.getZoom()>=5) {
    else if (map.getZoom()<5) {


  • It is to no use to assign a tooltip to the checkbox itself, since it is hidden - instead show / hide a tooltip for the outer .bootstrap-switch element which the checkbox is wrapped into :

    map.on('zoomend', function(e) {
        // Add/remove layers based on zoom level
        if (map.getZoom() >= 5) {
            $("[name='my-checkbox2']").bootstrapSwitch('disabled', false);
        } else if (map.getZoom() < 5) {
            $("[name='my-checkbox2']").bootstrapSwitch('disabled', true)
                .attr('title', 'Zoom more in')

    trigger zoomend immediately to update the tooltip status :


    updated fiddle ->