I'm generating a table in HTML. I have a number of rows, whose count is kept in the variable {{ items|length }}
How do I make all rows the same height except the header row?
I've tried:
table.equalDivide th { width:100 / {{ items|length }} %; }
But this doesn't work.
All the rows should have the height of the tallest one (12:00 - 14:00 in the image below).
This is as simple as I can get it - but it works...
Use Notepad or similar (Notepad++ recommended) to edit your HTML file as follows: (NOTE: syntax is crucially important - follow it exactly - especially single or double quotes)
1: Give your table a unique ID: table id="myTable" ...
2: Give your body element an onload function: body onload="resizeTable('myTable');" ...
3: In your head section add this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function resizeTable(tableID)
var tbl=document.getElementById(tableID), biggestRow=0, rowHeight=0, row=0;
for (row=0; row < tbl.rows.length; row++) { //find biggest row height
if (rowHeight > biggestRow) {biggestRow=rowHeight;}
for (row=0; row < tbl.rows.length; row++) { //set all rows to biggest row height
tbl.rows[row].style.height=biggestRow + "px";