I want to connect to a Wi-Fi network using Python on OS X (10.11). Based on CWInterface reference I figured out there is a iface.associateToNetwork_password_error_()
method available, however when called it does not connect to the network nor it does cause any exception.
At the same time iface.disassociate()
works correctly and disconnects WiFi.
This is the code I tried:
import objc
iface = CWInterface.interface()
iface.associateToNetwork_password_error_(SSID, PASSWORD, None)
How can I connect to a specified network from Python on OS X and make sure the connection has been established?
I was able to successfully connect to my home network with the following:
import objc
bundle_path = '/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework',
module_globals = globals())
iface = CWInterface.interface()
networks, error = iface.scanForNetworksWithName_error_('<Name Of Network>', None)
network = networks.anyObject()
success, error = iface.associateToNetwork_password_error_(network, '<Password Of Network>', None)
Two key things that I suspect you were missing:
as your first parameter.success
and error
in the final call). They could have helped you with tracking down any other issues, perhaps.