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Agile Methodology

  1. Will Solution Architecture be suited for Agile methodology?
  2. Which architecture approach be best fit for agile implementation, Currently I'm assuming that Micro-Services Architecture be the best suite for Agile Methodology, Can anyone provide justifications for this?

Kindly help me in this regard.


  • I wouldn't link the choice of software architecture (e.g. Micro-Services vs. Monolith) with the choice of software development lifecycle or project management (e.g. Agile vs. Waterfall).

    A software architecture should be chosen based on the quality attributes of the product, taking into account the tradeoffs between performance, security, ease-of-use, availability, interoperability, maintainability, etc...

    Software development procedures, management styles, and organization units should be chosen and built based on what makes the team most productive. A great Scrum team may prefer to do micro-services in one project, and a monolith in another project. Likewise, a company that follows a waterfall process may choose to break an application to microservices or leave it as a monolith.

    The difference between Agile and Waterfall might be the way in which the architecture emerges: In Waterfall, people often do more architecture upfront, whereas in Agile, there is some architecture upfront, but more of the architecture emerges as requirements are discovered during the sprints.