I am new to theano so maybe this is a simple question. If I have a function
f = theano.function(
and y depends on w that I want to update using
w = w + tr_rate * (pos_associations-neg_associations)
I can write
wparameters = [w]
update = [(wparam,
wparam + tr_rate * (pos_associations-neg_associations)) for wparam in wparameters]
and it will update the function f using the update rule.
But if y depends on another variable, say z, that I want to update using a different rule, say
z = z + tr_rate*(x - vis)
How do I combine the two rules together?
I found my own answer and I am posting it if it can help other people. You can create a variable update and then use the .append function to define new rules.
So, instead of
wparameters = [w]
update = [(wparam,
wparam + tr_rate * (pos_associations-neg_associations)) for wparam in wparameters]
you can append a new rule and write:
wparameters = [w]
zparameters = [z]
update = []
for wparam, zparam in zip(wparameters, bparameters):
update.append((wparam, wparam + tr_rate*(pos_associations - neg_associations)))
update.append((zparam, zparam + tr_rate*(x - vis))