I am getting both of these issues for this function:
fun funion([(x:int list,y:bool list)]) =
fun join(nil,final) = final |
join(x::xs,final) = join(xs,union(x,final)) |
join(_,final) = final
Here is the error:
sets.sml:30.6-32.27 Error: match redundant
(nil,final) => ...
(x :: xs,final) => ...
--> (_,final) => ...
sets.sml:28.5-35.4 Warning: match nonexhaustive
(x,y) :: nil => ...
Does anyone know what might be going on here? I also tried join(_) but that did not work either. Not sure what the problem is here.
uncaught exception Error
Here is the definition of union:
fun union((w:int list,x:bool list),(y:int list,z:bool list)) =
fun join((nil,nil),final) = final |
join((w::ws,x::xs),(intfinal,boolfinal)) = if x andalso elementOf(w,(intfinal,boolfinal))=false then join((ws,xs),(w::intfinal,true::boolfinal)) else join((ws,xs),(intfinal,boolfinal)) |
join(_,final) = final
join((w,x),join((y,z),(nil:int list,nil:bool list)))
I gather that funion
is supposed to have type
(int list * bool list) list -> (int list * bool list)
But -- you only provide a definition for lists of length 1, which gives a non-exhaustive list warning.
For the inner function join
you provide a definition first for patterns of the form (nil, final)
and then for patterns of the form (x::xs,final)
. Since the first component is either empty or matches the pattern x::xs
and any list whatsoever matches final
, any further pattern is redundant. Perhaps you want the three patterns
1) (nil,ys)
2) (xs,nil)
3) (xs,ys)
A final remark -- if you are happy with union
-- why not just use it with foldl
or foldl
if you have a list of (int list * bool list)
and what the union of them all?