I have a web.config
file, which I want to transform using SlowCheetah. The relevant fragment looks like this:
<location path="ui/cms">
<allow roles="AAA" />
<location path="WebServices">
<allow roles="BBB" />
I want to transform value BBB
to CCC
, so I wrote my Web.CCC.config
transformation file:
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
<location path="WebServices">
<allow roles="CCC" xdt:Transform="Replace" />
Unfortunately, it results in CCC
being inserted into <location path="ui/cms">
instead of <location path="WebServices">
- probably because it is the first one it locates in my web.config
How can I make SlowCheetah notice the different path
parameter, and replace the correct node in my xml file?
As it turns out, this can be obtained using xdt:Locator
in a transformation file.
<configuration xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
<location path="WebServices" xdt:Locator="Match(path)>
<allow roles="CCC" xdt:Transform="Replace" />
Hope it helps anyone. Rubber duck debugging seems to work even with SO.