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NHibernate.AspNet.Identity FluentNhibernate - how do I add a custom object to my ApplicationUSer?

I am very, very new to Nhibernate and I am learning on the go (painfully).

I am trying to use NHibernate with Asp .NET Identity 2.0 and set my own store. However, I am having issues -

Though I understand mappings between entities, I can't seem to create relevant mappings between entities. Here is what I have. An ApplicationUser class and setup, similar to :

public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
    public virtual IList<Character> Characters { get; set; }

    public ApplicationUser()
        Characters = new List<Character>();

And a character class

public class Character
    public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
    public virtual ApplicationUser ApplicationUser { get; set; }

And here is my main configuration section:

var configuration = Fluently.Configure()
            .ExposeConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.SetProperty("current_session_context_class", "web");
                    MappingHelper.GetIdentityMappings(myEntities), null);
                new SchemaExport(cfg).Create(false, true);

Finally the mappings:

public class ApplicationUserMapping : SubclassMap<ApplicationUser>
    public ApplicationUserMapping()
        HasMany(x => x.Characters).Inverse().Cascade.All();


public class CharacterMapping : ClassMap<Character>
    public CharacterMapping()
        Id(x => x.Id);
        References(x => x.ApplicationUser).Cascade.All();

However, whenever I try to create and save a character, I get: Could not determine type for: SWDB.Domain.RP.Character, SWDB.Domain, for columns: NHibernate.Mapping.Column(id)

I've been battling this all day - I give up :( any help is appreciated...

Thanks !


  • Your Id is a Guid which is not supported by Identity. Specify the generator manually

    public class CharacterMapping : ClassMap<Character>
        public CharacterMapping()
            Id(x => x.Id).GeneratedBy.GuidComb();
            References(x => x.ApplicationUser).Cascade.All();