How can I tell if the application is running on iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS or an iPad?
I want to determine if which hardware I'm using and then provide additional functionality if it's an iPhone 4 (such as using the video light or gyro-sensor).
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
PS: I'm looking to determine this programmatically and not determine if based on physical appearance.
RE: sample code to detect if a flash is available
for (AVCaptureDevice *cameraDevice in [AVCaptureDevice devicesWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo]) {
if ([cameraDevice hasFlash]) {
NSLog(@" Yay! A flash!"):
But seriously, dude, Vladimir gave you the class name and the method name. If you had opened the documentation, you'd have had figured it out in a jiffy - certainly quicker than waiting on someone to paste you five lines of code.