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Is the lists function supported in cloudant java client?

In the cloudant java client ( is this lists function described here supported?


  • There are no specific API calls to interact with the _list endpoint in java-cloudant 2.2.0.

    However, it is possible to manually set up a request, so you could try something like:

        // Compose the URI and create a HttpConnection to GET it
        URI listRequestURI = new URI(db.getDBUri().toString() 
                                     + "/_design/your-designdoc/_list/your-list/your-view");
        HttpConnection listRequest = Http.GET(listRequestURI);
        // Execute the request and get the response
        HttpConnection listResponse = account.executeRequest(listRequest);
        // Get the response in the desired format and process
        // or responseAsBytes()
        // or responseAsInputStream()