I would like to use Groovy scripting in Apache Sling. I have installed Sling 8 and Bundle: Scripting Groovy V 1.0.2 on top. However, I am getting the following error on installed bundle.
groovy.json,version=[2.4,3) -- Cannot be resolved
groovy.lang,version=[2.4,3) -- Cannot be resolved
groovy.text,version=[2.4,3) -- Cannot be resolved
javax.script from org.apache.felix.framework (0)
org.apache.sling.commons.classloader,version=[1.0,2) from org.apache.sling.commons.classloader (84)
org.apache.sling.scripting.api,version=[2.1,3) from org.apache.sling.scripting.api (107)
org.codehaus.groovy.util,version=[2.4,3) -- Cannot be resolved
Am I missing some other dependency bundle? How to resolve this?
The Groovy scripting bundle only provides the glue between Groovy and Sling. You also need to install the Groovy bundles.
The ones that we use right now for testing (see launchpad/testing: model.txt ) are