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Connecting to a postgresql db using JDBC from the Bluemix Apache Spark service

I have a problem connecting to my postgresql 8.4 db using Apache Spark service on Bluemix.

My code is:

%AddJar -f
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)

sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map("url" -> "jdbc:postgresql://<ip_address>:5432/postgres?
user=postgres&password=<password>", "dbtable" -> "table_name"))

And I get the error:

Name: java.sql.SQLException

Message: No suitable driver found for jdbc:postgresql://:5432/postgres?user=postgres&password=

I've read around and it seems I need to add the JDBC driver to the Spark class path. I've no idea how to do this in the Bluemix Apache Spark service.


  • There is currently an issue with adding JDBC drivers to Bluemix Apache Spark. The team is working to resolve it. You can follow the progress here: