I was going through Insertion Sort algo in CLRS. I am not sure which is the right implementation -
Implementation 1 :
def Insertion_sort():
list = [3,5,1,7,2,4]
for j in xrange(1,len(list)):
i = j-1
while i>=0 and list[i] > list[j]:
swap(list, i, j)
j = i
i = i-1
Implementation 2:
def Insertion_sort2():
list = [3,5,1,7,2,4]
for j in range(1,len(list)):
i = j-1;
while i>=0 and list[i]>list[j]:
i = i-1;
swap(list, i+1, j)
Neither of the proposed functions actually reproduces the algorithm as presented in CLRS.
The code in lines 5 through 8 in the CLRS algorithm do a rotation of a subsequence of the list ending at index j
. That will insert the value at index j
in the correct point in the prefix of the list.
Your first function does the same thing, but instead of doing a rotation it does a series of swaps. The rotation is much more efficient, since it only modifies each list item once instead of twice.
Your second function just does a single swap, which moves the value at element j
into the right spot, but does not preserve the order of the rest of the prefix of the list. So it is a lot faster, but produces an incorrect result. (The fact that it happened to produce a sorted output with your test vector is amusing, but if you look at the successive prefixes at each insertion point, you'll see that it doesn't really work. Try sorting just [2, 3, 1]
, for example.)