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RegEx find all anchor tags, including ones with images

I am trying to find all <a> tags and add a div around them. How do you change the RegEx to match <a><img></a> as well as <a>text</a>, or any tags within the <a> tag. I have:


    $a_pattern = '@<a\s*.*>.*(<.*>)?.*</a>@i';
    $out = preg_replace_callback($a_pattern,"match_callback",$html);
    function match_callback($matches)



  • Here is how you can do it with a built-in PHP DOM parser (using with a some fake HTML, but you will get the idea):

    $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    $doc = DOMDocument::loadHTML('<body>
         <a href="somewere"><img src="" class="foo" alt="..."><br></a>
         <a href="somewere again"><img src="" class="bar" alt="..."></a>
         <a href="somewere again and back">Text</a>
    foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('a') as $a_node) {
       $div = $a_node->ownerDocument->createElement('div');
       $node = $a_node->parentNode->insertBefore($div, $a_node);
    echo $doc->saveHTML();

    Output of the sample demo:

    <div><a href="somewere"><img src="" class="foo" alt="..."><br></a></div>
    <div><a href="somewere%20again"><img src="" class="bar" alt="..."></a></div>
    <div><a href="somewere%20again%20and%20back">Text</a></div>

    You can also add attributes with the help of:

    $node->setAttribute('class', 'title');