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Osmbonuspack 5.5 and NominatimPOIProvider (poi along route)

I'm using osmdroid with osmbonuspack 5.5. I’d l like to thank the developers for their great work :-).
( I’m not using the latest osmbonuspack, because this version (5.5) is the latest version supporting roadManager, or let’s say I wasn’t able to get roadManager to work with the latest version)

I’m using ArrayList<POI> pois = poiProvider.getPOIAlong ( with NominatimPOIProvider) to find pois along a route. This work great, but on longer routes (e.g. longer than 100 km) Nominatim only finds pois very close to my route disregarding the value routewidth= …..

Is this a limitation from Nominatim? Can anyone give me a hint how to expand the poi search along a route? Maybe with a different provider?

Thanks a lot!!


  • Nominatim really provides this feature - however, undocumented.

    But it also has an hardcoded limit on number of POI results: 50 max. Even if you set the maxResults parameter to more.

    Maybe your search on a long route is reaching this limit?

    As far as I know, only Nominatim service is providing this "search along the route" feature.

    Possibility: install Nominatim software on your own server, and increase this hardcoded limit...