So I am trying to figure out if I can create a simple custom PHP script that takes data from a google hangout link and displays back if it is in session.
I am pretty new to Google APi's. My end goal is to create a button on a website that appears whenever someone has joined into a certain designated HANGOUT link.
Do you think this is possible? Any advice would be highly appreciated.
Here was I was thinking:
$stuff = strip_tags(file_get_contents(""));
$eStrings = explode(' ', $stuff);
I would then retrieve the data from the code and see if it is live or not. If at top of the screen it reads: "You are the only one here" then it is automatically assumed that the session has not begun.
Problem=> You get directed to the google login screen because you need user access.
If anyone has ideas please advise.
While there is a PHP API SDK for Google in beta, it doesn't appear to support Hangouts at all. Google does however expose a client-side JavaScript interface for Hangouts that you should be able to emit and use from your PHP server-side code.
Using the JS interface, you could use the event notification for a given Hangout to know when someone has joined.
Then leverage the gapi.hangouts.getParticipants() function to pull a list of who's in the hangout and determine if your button should show for the current user.