I would like to test and build my node server on Cloudbees using io.js, preferably keeping up with the newer versions (3.2.0 as of today).
Currently, I am using NodeJS 0.10.x on Cloudbees based on the following tutorial. However, I have been unable to find anything about io.js. https://developer.cloudbees.com/bin/view/DEV/Node+Builds
Has anyone tried this? Do I need to install io.js manually?
NodeJS has now released v4.0.0. This is also not supported on Cloudbees, but I am highly interested. Same problem still applies.
BTW, I ended up solving this with NVM.
In the Jenkins free style job, open an "Execute shell" build action.
# try
nvm which
} || {
# catch
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.30.1/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bash_profile > /dev/null
nvm install stable > /dev/null
node -v