I am trying to send a request to a soap server, using suds which should look like this:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="http://example.com/wsdl/abc/model/v1" xmlns:ns1="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns2="http://example.com/xsd/abc/common/v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:StringMetadata id="user">test_user</ns2:StringMetadata>
<ns2:StringMetadata id="filename">myfile.zip</ns2:StringMetadata>
<ns2:StringMetadata id="unique_id">5211c04b-9cf5-4368-a393-ed96d7b5489d</ns2:StringMetadata>
Is there any way to do it by using only dict ?
I am trying this:
params = {
'unique_id' : uid,
"metadata": {
'StringMetadata' : ['test_user', 'myfile.zip']
which generating this request:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="http://example.com/wsdl/abc/model/v1" xmlns:ns1="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns2="http://example.com/xsd/abc/common/v1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
So we can se that the id attributes are missing from my StringMetada. I am wanting to do it using only dict, because I am writing a kind of Rest to Soap proxy, which is getting a non-validated Json (or dict) from another caller. So it should be as dynamic as possible.
I tried to build on the fly elements (with factory.create) but it seems to be a headache... I would appreciate a solution by passing a special keyword for element attributes ('_id', '@id' or '#id')...
I also tried to declare my StringMetadata like this:
"metadata": {
'StringMetadata' : [{'_id': 'user'}, 'myfile.zip']
but it gave me:
<ns2:StringMetadata id="user"/>
If you have a solution, by applying a monkey-patch (on the fly) to suds classes, please feel free also.
I finally managed to get it working after hours of suds understanding and debugging. I wrote a solution based on a suds monkey-patch. Thus my dict should be:
params = {
'unique_id' : uid,
"metadata": {
'StringMetadata' : [{'_id': 'user', '_text_':'test_user'},{'_id': 'filename', '_text_': 'myfile.zip'}]
'_text_' is a magic that will be detected by the patch and used as a node value. The '_id' will be used by suds as an attribute, every element starting by _ is interpreted as a node attribute, so my patch doesn't handle attributes.
This is the patch:
import functools
from suds.mx.appender import *
legacy_append = suds.mx.appender.ObjectAppender.append
def _patch_object_append(self, parent, content):
object = content.value
if self.optional(content) and footprint(object) == 0:
child = self.node(content)
for item in object:
cont = Content(tag=item[0], value=item[1])
if item[0] == '_text_':
Appender.append(self, child, cont)
suds.mx.appender.ObjectAppender.append= _patch_object_append
This block can be either inserted before your suds instantiating or stored in a separated a script file and imported in your script. Personally, I used the second solution.
Please notice also, that the keyword text was my choice, you can use '_value_' instead. It should be updated in this line:
if item[0] == '_text_':
Please feel free to use this patch. I think that this feature should be built-in in the Suds library