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Templated email using Apps Script based on data in Google Sheets

I'm new to scripting so I hope someone can help me create one.

I'm trying to create a script for a sheet that can send an email when a custom menu is pressed.

Here's a file to work on.

Also, it should only send it if a column (ex. Column I) has a specific Value like 'Approved'

Email content should look like:

Subject: Leave Application # 'ColumnC'

Hi 'ColumnA',

We received your 'ColumnB' request for 'ColumnE'

Status: 'ColumnG'

More Details: 'ColumnH'


Email should be sent to Column E and F.

The script must also update the spreadsheet to avoid duplicate emails.


  • Here is the working example

    Here is the code:

    function sendEmails() {
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      var startRow = 2;  // First row of data to process
      var lastRow = sheet.getSheetByName('Journal').getLastRow();  // Last row with content
      var rangeEmailSent     = sheet.getRangeByName('Journal!EmailSent');
      var dataEmailSent      = rangeEmailSent.getValues();
      var dataRequestedBy    = sheet.getRangeByName('Journal!RequestedBy').getValues();
      var dataRequestType    = sheet.getRangeByName('Journal!RequestType').getValues();
      var dataRefNo          = sheet.getRangeByName('Journal!RefNo')      .getValues();
      var dataStatus         = sheet.getRangeByName('Journal!Status')     .getValues();
      var dataToEmail        = sheet.getRangeByName('Journal!ToEmail')    .getValues();
      var dataSupComment     = sheet.getRangeByName('Journal!SupervisorComment').getValues();
      var subjectTemplate = sheet.getRangeByName('SubjectTemplate1').getValue();
      var bodyTemplate =  sheet.getRangeByName('BodyTemplate1').getValue();
      var msgSubject;
      var msgBody;
      for (var i = (startRow-1); i <= (lastRow-1); i++) {
        // send e-mail if "Email Sent" is not blank and if "Status" is not empty
        if ( !(dataEmailSent[i]=='Yes') && !(dataStatus[i] =='')) {
          msgSubject = subjectTemplate.replace('$REF$', dataRefNo[i]);
          msgBody = bodyTemplate
            .replace('$REQUESTED_BY$', dataRequestedBy[i])
            .replace('$REQUEST_TYPE$', dataRequestType[i])
            .replace('$EMAIL$', dataToEmail[i])
            .replace('$STATUS$', dataStatus[i])
            .replace('$SupervisorComment$', dataSupComment[i]);
          // Logger.log(msgSubject);
          // Logger.log(msgBody);
          MailApp.sendEmail(dataToEmail[i], msgSubject, msgBody);
          // Change "Email sent" to "Yes"
          rangeEmailSent.getCell(i+1,1).setValue('Yes'); // note: getCell(1,1) refers to the 1st cell