Use TestLink 1.9.14 for managing the testing and implementation of the page there is the implementation status of select , I want to change the select by a radio button , as pictured below. I do not know which or what files you need to change to effect this change .
the system is in php and has TPL files , of which I do not Fawn knowledge , I am afraid to move and end up damaging some functionality.
<div class="resultBox">
{if $args_save_type == 'bulk'}
{foreach key=verbose_status item=locale_status from=$tlCfg->results.status_label_for_exec_ui}
<input type="radio" {$args_input_enable_mgmt} name="{$radio_id_prefix}[{$args_tcversion_id}]"
{if $verbose_status eq $tlCfg->results.default_status}
{/if} /> {lang_get s=$locale_status}<br />
<select name="statusSingle[{$tcversion_id}]" id="statusSingle_{$tcversion_id}">
{html_options options=$gui->execStatusValues}
It looks like you want to change a select option box to a radio list.
old code would be:
<option value="Nao Exectute">Nao Exectute<option>
<option value="Passou">Passou<option>
<option value="Others">others<option>
New code would be:
<input type="radio" name="radioList" id="radioList01" value="Nao Exectute"><label for="radioList01">Nao Exectute</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="radioList" id="radioList02" value="Passou"><label for="radioList02">Passou</label><br />
<input type="radio" name="radioList" id="radioList03" value="Others"><label for="radioList03">Others</label><br />
That should be enough to get you started.