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Windows Store App Access Violation Exception only on Windows 10

I have Windows Store app that is in the Store for 2 years. After Windows 10 release I get a lot of crashes. I can reproduce crash, but only on Windows 10, not 8, or 8.1, also, I`m able to see that this crash happens only on Windows 10, through developer console. There are a lot of such crashes on windows 10 ~ 1000, for month.

The crash sequence: I open the page, app hangs for a second and then it closes without any suggestion for report.

When I debug app with visual studio, app fails with exception:

Access violation reading location 0x00000090 in Windows.Ui.Xaml.dll

Stack trace from console:

windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::CCueRenderer::Initialize  0x154
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::CTimedTextSource::Initialize  0xE0
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::CTimedTextSource::Create  0x60
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::MediaElement::EnableTimedText 0x60
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::MediaElement::HandleMediaOpened   0x21
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::MediaElement::OnMediaOpened   0x4D
windows_ui_xaml CFxCallbacks::MediaElement_OnMediaOpened    0x20
windows_ui_xaml CMediaElement::OpenMedia    0x156
windows_ui_xaml CMediaElement::HandleSourceReadyEvent   0x12
windows_ui_xaml CMediaElement::HandleMediaEvent 0x90
windows_ui_xaml CMediaQueue::ProcessQueue   0x67
windows_ui_xaml CMediaQueueManager::ProcessQueues   0x90
windows_ui_xaml CCoreServices::Tick 0x246
windows_ui_xaml CCoreServices::NWDrawTree   0x2F1
windows_ui_xaml CCoreServices::NWDrawMainTree   0xB7
windows_ui_xaml CWindowRenderTarget::Draw   0x73
windows_ui_xaml CXcpBrowserHost::OnTick 0x1CB
windows_ui_xaml CXcpDispatcher::Tick    0x88
windows_ui_xaml CXcpDispatcher::OnReentrancyProtectedWindowMessage  0x6F
windows_ui_xaml CXcpDispatcher::WindowProc  0xE0
user32  _InternalCallWinProc    0x2B
user32  UserCallWinProcCheckWow 0x1F0
user32  DispatchMessageWorker   0x231
user32  DispatchMessageW    0x10
windows_ui  Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::ProcessMessage  0x356
windows_ui  Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::WaitAndProcessMessages  0x129
windows_ui  Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::ProcessEvents   0x75
windows_ui_xaml CJupiterWindow::RunCoreWindowMessageLoop    0x55
windows_ui_xaml CJupiterControl::RunMessageLoop 0x25
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::DXamlCore::RunMessageLoop 0x1E
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::FrameworkView::Run    0x1A
twinapi_appcore Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView::Run   0x3D
twinapi_appcore _lambda_8b2420e462ae079d580fd8e4ff08c89d_::_helper_func_stdcall_    0xAC
shcore  _WrapperThreadProc  0xCA
kernel32    BaseThreadInitThunk 0x24
ntdll   __RtlUserThreadStart    0x2F
ntdll   _RtlUserThreadStart

That is errors description if I download reports:


Does anyone has faced the same issue with windows 10 too? As I understand, there is no managed (my) function calls in stack trace, does it mean that it is Windows 10 bug?


  • As @Pooley mentioned, this code causes error on windows 10 computers:

     var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("msappx:///Resources/Sounds/" + name + ".mp3"));
     var stream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);
     var mediaElement = new MediaElement();
     mediaElement.SetSource(stream, file.FileType); mediaElement.Play();