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How to post a pic to Tumblr using TMTumblrSDK in iOS

I am trying to integrate Tumblr into my app for simply posting of pics into tumblr.

I am confused in following the authentication process of tumblr.

I registered the app.

I have the consumer key, and the consumer secret key.

I have requested for the token and the token secret key by using OAuthConsumer.

However I am failing to do the next step which is posting a photo .

This is the code I'm using to authenticate:

     [[TMAPIClient sharedInstance]authenticate:@"myappURLScheme" callback:^(NSError *err) {

        NSLog(@"authentication failed %@",err);

And this takes me to the safari tumblr page, to do the Allow/ Not allow process.After I click on Allow, it takes me to the tumblr app. But the pic is not posted.

Here is what I tried to post the pic:

[[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] photo:@"Sample Upload"
                      filePathArray:@[[_imagesPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:
                                       @"tm.png" ]]
                         parameters:@{@"caption" : @"Caption"}
                           callback:^(id response, NSError *error) {
                               if (error)
                                   NSLog(@"Error posting to Tumblr %@",error);
                                   NSLog(@"Posted to Tumblr %@",error);

HEre I get the error:

  Error posting to Tumblr Error Domain=Request failed Code=404 "(null)"

The response parameter is also null.

I believe the authentication is a success,I am also able to get the user info from the Tumblr. but I'm not sure why the pic is not posted .


  • Is Sample Upload your blog? I have to admit Tumblr's naming conventions are really bad, but if you check the code, you can see you need to pass the blog name there.

    - (void)photo:(NSString *)blogName filePathArray:(NSArray *)filePathArrayOrNil contentTypeArray:(NSArray *)contentTypeArrayOrNil
    fileNameArray:(NSArray *)fileNameArrayOrNil parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters callback:(TMAPICallback)callback;

    Otherwise make sure you set the OAuthConsumerKey, OAuthConsumerSecret, OAuthToken and OAuthTokenSecret before sending the request.

    Your code looks fine otherwise, about the same worked for me.