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Back To {AppName} Not Showing Up | iOS9 openURL

I'm using the following code:

NSString *customURLString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"secondApp://?%@", [document fileId]];
NSURL *customURL = [NSURL URLWithString: customURLString];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: customURL];

The "Back To firstApp" is not showing up upon successful opening of the secondApp. Is there something I'm missing? Been scouring the internet for this answer, and am trying to make sure that "Back To firstApp" is there.

Has anyone come across this?


  • I found out the answer.

    Apparently, if you put this in your info.plist for the second app, enter image description here

    and declare that View controller-based status bar appearance is NO. It will not show the back to button. Not quite sure why, but this resolved my issue.

    Thank you everyone for the support!