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Creating Custom Field in Orchard CMS to render Dropdown from a separate module

I'm creating website using OrchardCMS and here I want to have a dropdown in custom form. I have created a module to which I make an ajax call and it returns dropdown populated with db fetched values. All I need is to use this dropdown in custom form. I'm figuring out how I can make it happen? I have tried creating custom field using this link but I'm still find my self no where. There should be some way to do this. Please guide me how I can go about it. I appreciate your response. Thanks Sohaib


  • You can simply create a field for this.


    public class MyCustomField : ContentField {
        public string SelectedValue {
            get { return Storage.Get<string>(); }
            set { Storage.Set(value); }


    public class MyCustomFieldDriver : ContentFieldDriver<MyCustomField> {
        // EditorTemplates/Fields/MyCustom.cshtml
        private const string TemplateName = "Fields/MyCustom";
        private static string GetPrefix(ContentField field, ContentPart part) {
            // handles spaces in field names
            return (part.PartDefinition.Name + "." + field.Name)
                   .Replace(" ", "_");
        protected override DriverResult Display(ContentPart part, MyCustomField field, string displayType, dynamic shapeHelper) {
            return ContentShape("Fields_MyCustom",
                f => f.Name(field.Name)
        protected override DriverResult Editor(ContentPart part, MyCustomField field, dynamic shapeHelper) {
            return ContentShape("Fields_MyCustom_Edit", () => shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(
                TemplateName: TemplateName,
                Model: field,
                Prefix: GetPrefix(field, part)));
        protected override DriverResult Editor(ContentPart part, MyCustomField field, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper) {
            updater.TryUpdateModel(field, GetPrefix(field, part), null, null);
            return Editor(part, field, shapeHelper);


        var selectedValue = Model.SelectedValue;


    @model MyModule.Fields.MyCustomField
    <select id="@Html.IdFor(m => m.SelectedValue)" name="@Html.NameFor(m => m.SelectedValue)"></select>
    @using (Script.Foot()) {
            $(function () {
                // your own url ofcourse
                var url = '',
                    dd = $("#@Html.IdFor(m => m.SelectedValue)");
                $.getJSON(url, function (data) {
                    $.each(data, function () {
                        dd.append("<option value='" + + "'>" + + "</option>");


      <Place Fields_MyCustom_Edit="Content:3" />
      <Place Fields_MyCustom="Content:3" />

    And that should be all :)