(Note, I'm using Reagent, Secretary, and Compojure (among others))
I want to create a route /sectest/:id
, and if I point my browser to that route, I get the following error:
Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://localhost:3449/sectest/css/site.css".
Refused to execute script from 'http://localhost:3449/sectest/js/app.js' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
But if I click on a link in the browser that navigates to that route, it works fine...
Here's the pertinent code:
Client Side:
(secretary/defroute "/sectest/:id" [id]
(js/console.log (str "Hi " id))
(session/put! :current-page #'my-page)))
Server Side:
(defroutes routes
(GET "*" [] loading-page) ;this anticipates client-side routing only
(GET "/cards" [] cards-page)
(resources "/")
(not-found "Not Found"))
(def app (wrap-middleware #'routes))
So the following link takes me to my-page
, and the console prints "Hi asdf"
just fine:
[:div [:a {:href "/sectest/asdf"} "SECTEST"]]
But if I type in http://localhost:3449/sectest/asdf
, I get an error, and I can't seem to trace it. I suspect it might have something to do with the code trying to find resources located at /sectest
, (which it shouldn't), but I can't confirm this or figure out how to work with it... I am new to clojure, so forgive if I'm massively ignorant on some point, any thoughts?
Take a look at your server side routing, effectively you only have one route:
(GET "*" [] loading-page)
As it handles everything all following routes will never trigger. Order matters:
(defroutes routes
(GET "/cards" [] cards-page)
(resources "/")
(GET "*" [] loading-page) ;this anticipates client-side routing only
The above should do the trick, I removed the 404 route, as this should be handled by the frontend routing.
The reason it currently works when clicking on a page link in your SPA is that it will get handled by secretary. If you enter the url manually you are doing a page reload and the request is handled by compojure initially.
After taking a closer look, relative links
to your css/js
files in your html template
are most likely the culprit here:
The compojure resources
route won't match and the default catch all route loading-page
is served as css/js
file to your browser. Hence the error.
For my dev env I also had to correct the :asset-path
of my boot cljs
task as the source mapping
files suffered from the problem. Should be similiar with lein-figwheel