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Installing ssh2 on xampp

I am trying to install ssh2 on xampp

  • Xampp version : 3.2.1
  • PHP version : 5.4.19

Until now I have used following step to install:

  1. download and copied libssh2.dll file to c:\windows\system32

  2. php_ssh2.dll and php_ssh2.pdb files in the "ext" (e.g c:\xampp\php\ext) folder;

  3. remove ; from this line extention:php_ssh2.dll in php.ini.

  4. restart xampp

But I am getting error in log file:

unable to load dynamic library php_ssh2.dll

Can anyone help me with this?


  • A couple of things you may have missed :-

    • You need the Thread Safe (-ts-) version of php_ssh2
    • You need to make sure you get the 32 or 64 bit version to match your PHP/Apache and not to match your OS
    • You need the version of php_ssh2 that matches your PHP version i.e. 5.4

    Having a look here for the download there is only a 32bit version of SSH2 compiled with VC9 available for PHP5.4, so you will have to ensure you have the 32bit version of XAMPP installed.

    Oh and a final note, you do not need, and should not do, the copy of php_ssh2.dll into the c:\windows\system32 so remove the dll from this folder. PHP knows where to load its extensions from and putting files in c:\windows\system32 will only confuse things when you want to upgrade your version of XAMPP.