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Oxyplot division color change

Does anyone know how to change the color of the division markers on an oxyplot? I can't seem to find that specific property anywhere. Here is the code I am using to produce the plot below. As you can see the division markers are black. Would really like to change their color. Thanks.

 <oxy:Plot PlotAreaBorderColor="White"  Background="#242426" TextColor="White" Margin="5" Title="X and Y FPOS" TitleFontSize="12" Grid.Row="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
        <oxy:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding XYData}"/>

enter image description here


  • The property you are looking for is TicklineColor. You have to do it in both axes:


    Effect acquired


            <oxy:LinearAxis Position="Left" TicklineColor="White" />
            <oxy:LinearAxis Position="Bottom" TicklineColor="White" />    