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How to set up testsuite files for execution across environments

I have a test suite file that needs ability to be executed from both mvn command line (from Jenkins) as well as on-demand from Eclipse.

The test suite file must have ability to support parameters, ie:

<suite name="test run1">
   <parameter name="testEnv" value="dev"></parameter>
   <parameter name="proxyServer" value="x"></parameter>
   <parameter name="proxyPort" value="y"></parameter>

If I leave as is, then mvn command line parameters don't work, as the values in the test suite file will override the parameters. i.e. this will not work:

mvn test ... -dtestEnv=E1QA -dproxyServer= -dproxyPort=

How can I write the test suite file so it supports both ad-hoc execution from Eclipse and mvn command line execution?


  • based on a combination of above answers, I've figured it out.

    First remove the hard-coded parameters in the test suite file.

    Next, ensure the parameters are supported in the pom file.


    Create constants file to contain default values for the parameters

    public class Constants {
        public static final String DEFAULT_TEST_ENV = "dev";
        public static final String DEFAULT_PROXY_SERVER = "";
        public static final String DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT = "8585";

    In the testNG setup() method, use System.getproperty():

    @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
    protected static void setUp() throws Exception {
        String testEnv = System.getProperty("testEnv", Constants.DEFAULT_TEST_ENV);
        String proxyServer = System.getProperty("proxyServer", Constants.DEFAULT_PROXY_SERVER);
        String proxyPort = System.getProperty("proxyPort", Constants.DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT);
        System.out.println("testEnv: " + testEnv);
        System.out.println("proxyServer: " + proxyServer);
        System.out.println("proxyPort: " + proxyPort);

    I could put the default values in a config file, but for now, constants file seems easiest in its own class.