I'm trying to make launch screens for my app with its target as iOS 9.2 in Xcode 7.2. The new way of making the launch screen for iPhones 6 and 6s is to use launch files which I am doing. I would like to support iPhone 5 and 4s as well. Apple says in their guide that for those two phones I need to use images with the specified requirements: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/IconMatrix.html
I tried to use the asset catalog to add images for the older iPhones. But the templates are not based on iPhone model like 5 or 4s, they are based on the iOS version like iOS 8, 7, and 6. I don't know which template to use for iPhone 5 and 4s. In other words which iOS target would be the right choice for those phones. Thanks!
If you want to support all devices and your deployment target is iOS 8.0 or later, all you need is a single launch screen file. You do not need any launch images.
The launch screen file will signal iOS that your app supports all iPhone sizes and if it is a Universal app (or an iPad app) it signals iOS that is supports all iPad sizes.