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.css file not uploading to server after .less compile phpStorm 10

I have a main.less file that contains @import for a number of .less files that I compile into 1 main.css file.

My main.less file:

@import "imports/header";
@import "imports/content";
@import "imports/footer";

In phpstorm 10 I set up a file watcher to compile main.less into main.css. My deployment options are to upload changed files on explicit saves (command S)

On save, the main.less file gets compiled properly if I made a change to any .less file. Then all .less files that I made changes to get uploaded to the server. However, main.css does not. I have to manually right click it and upload to server.

I believe this is because phstorm looks for changes before the less is compiled, then compiles less and does not notice the changed main.css

My folder structure for my less is:

________/ .........

My less file watcher settings are:

    Name: Less
    Description: Compiles .less files into .css files
    Uncheck Immediate file synchronization
    Check Track only root files
    File Type: Less
    Scope: Project Files
    Program: /usr/local/bin/lessc
    Argument: main.less
    Working directory: $FileParentDir$/stylesheets/
    Environment variables:
        i. Name: PATH
        ii. Value:
    Output paths to refresh: $FileParentDir$/stylesheets/main.css

How do I make it so my main.css uploads after main.less has been compiled?


  • You need to configure your deployment settings.

    Project Settings | Deployment | Options, setting the Upload changed files automatically to the default server option to Always And check option Upload external changes

    Phpstorm will watch for changed scss and CSS files inside project directory and upload them.