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Cannot get some unit tests to run for a spring application

Spring newbie here. Trying to meld various online spring tutorials into a single working project. Started off with the spring mvc tutorial described in this link.

Now I'm trying to meld this online tutorial on Spring data jpa into the above project. As you may see in the attached figure, I've added all necessary project files (src, test, .xml files etc).

My issue is that when I do mvn package (which is what I've been using to build and run the tests), the new suite of tests for the second project do not get executed. I wonder why! Without giving away all the sources, I will show some of the most important configuration (.xml) files.

Picture showing new files added, existing files, and brief description of issue: enter image description here Note: Sorry, but some of the xml meta-data are being removed by stackoverflow. They are mostly header tags that import xml definitions and thus not that important.

  1. orm.xml (added for spring-data-jpa exercise)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

                <entity-listener class="" />
    <named-query name="Person.findByName">
        <query>select p from Person p where p.firstName = :firstName AND p.lastName = :lastName</query>

  2. persistence.xml (added for spring-data-jpa exercise)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
" version="2.1">

    <persistence-unit name="hsql">
            <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect" />
            <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
            <property name="" value="validate" />
            <property name="hibernate.ejb.naming_strategy" value="org.hibernate.cfg.ImprovedNamingStrategy"/>
            <property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" value="org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider" />
            <property name="jadira.usertype.autoRegisterUserTypes" value="true" />
            <property name="jadira.usertype.databaseZone" value="jvm" />

  3. root-context.xml (initially there for spring-mvc-tutorial)">

    <!-- Root Context: defines shared resources visible to all other web components -->
        CSRF protection. Here we only include the CsrfFilter instead of all of Spring Security.
        See for more information on
        Spring Security's CSRF protection
    <bean id="csrfFilter" class="">
            <bean class=""/>
        Provides automatic CSRF token inclusion when using Spring MVC Form tags or Thymeleaf. See
        http://localhost:8080/#forms and form.jsp for examples
    <bean id="requestDataValueProcessor" class=""/>

4.) controllers.xml, 5.)servlet-context.xml files are just standard files that map controllers to path, define and instantiate the dispatcher-servlet, and other beans which were already in the spring-mvc-tutorial code. I believe they don't really have anything to do with the issue described in this ticket.

Here is the test file that doesn't execute, and I'd like to have running:

public class PersonRepositoryTest {

    final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersonRepositoryTest.class);

    private final static Integer FIRST_ID = Integer.valueOf(1);
    private final static Integer SECOND_ID = Integer.valueOf(2);

    private final static int EXPECTED_COUNT = 3;

    private final static String FIRST_NAME = "Joe";
    private final static String LAST_NAME = "Smith";

    private final static int EXPECTED_ADDRESS_COUNT = 1;
    private final static String ADDR = "1060 West Addison St.";
    private final static String CITY = "Chicago";
    private final static String STATE = "IL";
    private final static String ZIP_POSTAL = "60613";
    private final static String COUNTRY = "USA";

    private PersonRepository personRepository;

    private ProfessionalRepository professionalRepository;

    public void testFindOne() {
        Person person = personRepository.findOne(FIRST_ID);

    .. //more tests

Any help is much appreciated!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Spring -->
                <!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
        <!-- AspectJ -->

        <!-- Logging -->

        <!-- @Inject -->

        <!-- Servlet -->

        <!-- Jackson JSON Processor -->

        <!-- Rome Atom+RSS -->

        <!-- JSR 303 with Hibernate Validator -->

        <!-- Joda Time Library -->

        <!-- File Upload -->

        <!-- Security (used for CSRF protection only) -->

        <!-- Test -->

        <!--Additional POM for spring-data-jpa trial -->


        <!-- For testing against latest Spring snapshots -->
            <name>Spring Maven Snapshot Repository</name>
        <!-- For developing against latest Spring milestones -->
            <name>Spring Maven Milestone Repository</name>
                <!-- Have to use version 1.2 since version 1.3 does not appear to work with ITDs -->
                    <!-- You must use Maven 2.0.9 or above or these are ignored (see MNG-2972) -->


  • So in your pom you are having

    enter image description here

    and the class which your saying not executing ending with only

    So rename to and try again.