note: ipums international and ipums usa probably use the same system. ipums usa allows quicker signup. if you would like to test out your code, try to sign up!
i am trying to programmatically download a file from with the R language and httr. i need to use httr and not RCurl because i need to post-authentication download large files not into RAM but directly to disk. this is currently only possible with httr
as far as i know
the reproducible code below documents my best effort at getting from the login page ( to the main post-authentication page. any tips or hints would be appreciated! thanks!
my_email <- ""
my_password <- "password"
tf <- tempfile()
# use httr, because i need to download a large file after authentication
# and only httr supports that with its `write_disk()` option
# turn off ssl verify, otherwise the subsequent GET command will fail
set_config( config( ssl_verifypeer = 0L ) )
GET( "" )
# connect to the starting login page of the website
( a <- GET( "" , verbose( info = TRUE ) ) )
# which takes me through to a lot of websites, but ultimately (in my browser) lands at
shibboleth_url <- ""
# construct authentication information?
base_values <- list( "j_username" = my_email , "j_password" = my_password )
idp_values <- list( "j_username" = my_email , "j_password" = my_password , "_idp_authn_lc_key"=subset( a$cookies , domain == "" )$value , "JSESSIONID" = subset( a$cookies , domain == "" )$value )
ipums_values <- list( "j_username" = my_email , "j_password" = my_password , "_idp_authn_lc_key"=subset( a$cookies , domain == "" )$value , "JSESSIONID" = subset( a$cookies , domain == "" )$value)
# i believe this is where the main login should happen, but it looks like it's failing
GET( shibboleth_url , query = idp_values )
POST( shibboleth_url , body = base_values )
writeBin( GET( shibboleth_url , query = idp_values )$content , tf )
readLines( tf )
# The MPC account authentication system has encountered an error
# This error can sometimes occur if you did not close your browser after logging out of an application previously. It may also occur for other reasons. Please close your browser and try your action again."
writeBin( GET( "" , query = idp_values )$content , tf )
POST( "" , body = idp_values )
readLines( tf )
# same error as above
# return to the main login page..
writeBin( GET( "" , query = ipums_values )$content , tf )
readLines( tf )
# ..not logged in
You have to use set_cookies()
to send your cookies to the server:
#my_email <- "xxx"
#my_password <- "yyy"
tf <- tempfile()
set_config( config( ssl_verifypeer = 0L ) )
# Get first page
p1 <- GET( "" , verbose( info = TRUE ) )
# Post Login credentials
b2 <- list( "j_username" = my_email , "j_password" = my_password )
c2 <- c(JSESSIONID=p1$cookies[p1$cookies$domain=="",]$value,
p2 <- POST(p1$url,body = b2, set_cookies(.cookies = c2), encode="form" )
# Parse hidden fields
h2 <- read_html(p2$content)
form <- h2 %>% html_form()
# Post hidden fields
b3 <- list( "RelayState"=form[[1]]$fields[[1]]$value, "SAMLResponse"=form[[1]]$fields[[2]]$value)
c3 <- c(JSESSIONID=p1$cookies[p1$cookies$domain=="",]$value,
p3 <- POST( form[[1]]$url , body=b3, set_cookies(.cookies = c3), encode = "form")
# Get interesting page
c4 <- c(JSESSIONID=p3$cookies[p1$cookies$domain=="" && p3$cookies$name=="JSESSIONID",]$value,
p4 <- GET( "", set_cookies(.cookies = c4) )
writeBin(p4$content , tf )
readLines( tf )[55]
Since the result is
[1] " <li class=\"lastItem\"><a href=\"/international-action/users/logout\">Logout</a></li>"
I think you're logged in...