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How do I configure SSL, username and password for Spring Boot Artemis on

I'm using Spring Boot 1.3.1 and I can auto-configure my JMS components through

As I'm using Artemis as my message broker, I'm using spring-boot-starter-artemis, and as states the documentation in this link, all I have to do is replace the spring.hornetq.* properties and place spring.artemis.* instead.

The problem is that it doesn't show how to configure the username, password and SSL configuration for HornetQ/Artemis. I configured Artemis to use SSL and user/pass authentication like it's shown in here.

Does anyone know what properties can I state to add SSL and user/pass?



  • Okay, currently the Artemis Spring Boot starter is very basic, it really doesn't support clusters, SSL or client authentication.

    Doing a quick look at the starter's source code in GitHub, in the file, at lines 127 and onwards, I will have to add the TransportConstants necessary to configure SSL, authentication, etc.

    An example of a more complete connection configuration is in Artemis' test source code, in, on lines 178 and onwards, there is a really complete connection setup, so to contribute, I have to change the Artemis auto-configuration properties to take the new property options, and add them all to following the example in

    I'll do a fork on the starter, make the modifications, and figure out what bureaucracy is needed to submit a pull request and get it accepted on spring-boot.