I am successfully calling a POST method in a Web API app from a Winforms client that passes some parameters for a Stored Procedure.
I would prefer, though, to pass the results of the Stored Procedure (which I have to run on the client first) to the POST method via the FromBody functionality, if possible.
It's a lot of data to send over the wire, but the way I'm doing it now I have to run the SP twice - first on the client Winforms app, then on the Web API server app, and the simultaneous calling of this SP seems to sometimes cause some problems.
So, I'd like to, if feasible, either send the DataTable via "FromBody" or, if preferable, an XMLized or jsonized version of the data (and then unpack it on the other end, where I convert it into html for retrieval when the corresponding GET method is called.
Does anybody have any code that does this that they could display?
My existing code that just passes the params can be seen here.
Okay,based on Amit Kumar Ghosh's answer, I changed my code to this:
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
// Web API configuration and services
// Configure Web API to use only bearer token authentication.
// Web API routes
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
config.Formatters.Add(new DataTableMediaTypeFormatter());
public class DataTableMediaTypeFormatter : BufferedMediaTypeFormatter
public DataTableMediaTypeFormatter()
: base()
SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("test/dt"));
public override object ReadFromStream(Type type, Stream readStream,
HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var data = new StreamReader(readStream).ReadToEnd();
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataTable>(data);
return obj;
public override bool CanReadType(Type type)
return true;
public override bool CanWriteType(Type type)
return true;
public void Post(string unit, string begindate, string enddate, DataTable stringifiedjsondata)
DataTable dt = stringifiedjsondata;
. . .
private async Task SaveProduceUsageFileOnServer(string beginMonth, string beginYear, string endMonth, string endYear)
string beginRange = String.Format("{0}{1}", beginYear, beginMonth);
string endRange = String.Format("{0}{1}", endYear, endMonth);
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:52194");
string dataAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_rawAndCalcdDataAmalgamatedList, Formatting.Indented);
String uriToCall = String.Format("/api/produceusage/{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", _unit, beginRange, endRange, @dataAsJson);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(uriToCall, null);
...but the Controller is still not reached; specifically, the breakpoint in "DataTable dt = dtPassedAsJson;" is never reached.
Actually, it kind of surprises me that it doesn't crash, as a string is being passed, yet the data type there declared is "DataTable"
I also tried this, after realizing it's not really a stringified/jsonized DataTable that I'm passing from the client, but a stringified/jsonized generic list:
public void Post(string unit, string begindate, string enddate, List<ProduceUsage> stringifiedjsondata)
List<ProduceUsage> _produceUsageList = stringifiedjsondata;
I added this to the Register method:
config.Formatters.Add(new GenericProduceUsageListMediaTypeFormatter());
...and this new class:
// adapted from DataTableMediaTypeFormatter above
public class GenericProduceUsageListMediaTypeFormatter : BufferedMediaTypeFormatter
public GenericProduceUsageListMediaTypeFormatter()
: base()
SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("test/dt"));
public override object ReadFromStream(Type type, Stream readStream,
HttpContent content, IFormatterLogger formatterLogger, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var data = new StreamReader(readStream).ReadToEnd();
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ProduceUsage>>(data);
return obj;
public override bool CanReadType(Type type)
return true;
public override bool CanWriteType(Type type)
return true;
Still, though, the main breakpointed line in the Controller:
List<ProduceUsage> _produceUsageList = stringifiedjsondata;
...is not reached.
See Hernan Guzman's answer here.
Basically, you have to add "[FromBody]" to the method on the server, and then pass the data from the client, adding it after the URL param.