I want to push my cron.txt
to crontab using something like:
crontab cron.txt
The contents of my cron.txt file are:
# Format : minute | hour | day-of-month | month | day-of-week | path-to-script
0 1600 * * 4 C:/path/to/myscript.php
I am getting the error:
"cron.txt":4: bad hour
How can I run the script properly? Is all that is needed the time and the path to php file?
You seem to have fixed the invalid hour issue, now if your php script is accessible via the web, why don't you use a curl
request as your command?
0 16 * * 4 curl --request GET 'http://www.yoursite.com/path/to/myscript.php'
Obviously you'd need to secure it, probably with a custom get key or even in .htaccess
, only allowing server access.