I have an Inno Setup installer for my Windows app which saves the data folder (edited by the user during the install) in two places:
HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-253778795-1228266984-3707684546-1000\Software\Bookup\Chess Openings Wizard Professional 2016\Installer Settings
How do I write a new different separate installer that just installs a sample document for this app - and autofills the data folder that the user chose when installing the app?
Put another way, how do I get...
DataDirPage.Values[0] := GetPreviousData('ChessOpeningsWizard2016DataDir', '');
...to fetch the value from one of those registry keys above?
One way is to use the same AppId
for both installers, as the other installer is kind of an update of the main package.
And you may want to combine that with UpdateUninstallLogAppName=no
to keep name of the main package in the "Add or remove programs" control panel.
Or just use registry functions like RegQueryStringValue