Question regarding Swift 2.1 in Xcode 7.
I have declared an optional variable like this:
var something: Int64?
I would like to later assign it to a dictionary key using a shorthand if, like this:
dictionary['something'] = (something != nil) ? something! : nil
XCode is giving me the following validation error:
Result values in '? :' expression have mismatching types: 'Int64' and '_'
What is the issue here? Why can't optional Int64 be nil?
There are a number of problems here. First, Int64
isn't an AnyObject
. None of the primitive number types are classes. They can be bridged to AnyObject
using NSNumber
, but you don't get that bridging automatically for Int64
(see MartinR's comment. I originally said this was because it was wrapped in an Optional, but it's actually because it's fixed-width).
Next, this syntax:
(something != nil) ? something! : nil
Is just a very complicated way to say something
The tool you want is map
so that you can take your optional and convert it to a NSNumber
if it exists.
dictionary["something"] =
Of course, if at all possible, get rid of the AnyObject
. That type is a huge pain and causes a lot of problems. If this were a [String: Int64]
you could just:
dictionary["something"] = something