Is there an easy way to translate the "src" loc of model@uses to a class?
The problem I am having is I tried to use the model@declarations to match and find the class by location, but matching between file:// and project:// (m3 model) is not 100% pure (ignoring .scheme), comparing
begin.line >=
end.line <=
still results in 2 classes, when a "src" line is in the innerclass.
To summarise: Is there a function that returns the class, e.g.
loc classLoc = getClass( |home:///Workspaces/Rascal/src/|(150,1,<11,12>,<11,13>) );
That will return |java+class://Fruit|, having line 11 be a line in class Fruit.
Sure. Consider this example Java code:
public abstract class Fruit {
private class X {
int main() {
X x = new X();
return 1;
and consider I stored the M3 model in m
and take the use of X located at this source location l = |home:///Workspaces/Rascal/rascal/src/org/rascalmpl/courses/example-project/src/|(150,1,<11,12>,<11,13>);
Then this expression will tell you to which declaration the class points to:
rascal>cl = m@uses[l];
set[loc]: {|java+class:///Fruit/X|}
To find out in which other class this class is then nested we invert the containment relation and look up the parent of the nested class like so:
set[loc]: {|java+class:///Fruit|}