This should be something simple but I cannot figure this out. How can I get the video dimensions for a file that is loaded into QVideoWidget/QMediaPlayer. So, my code is as follows:
QMediaPlayer m_MediaPLayer(0, QMediaPlayer::VideoSurface);
m_VideoWidget = new QVideoWidget;
// I am here checking for media status changed event
connect(&m_MediaPLayer, SIGNAL(mediaStatusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus)),
this, SLOT(mediaStatusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus)));
void MyClass::mediaStatusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status)
// Here I get notification for media status change but no idea how to
// get the video size. I could not figure out a way.
In theory there are two ways to get this information:
Through QMediaPlayer::metaData
using the key Resolution
you should get the resolution as QSize
if (m_MediaPLayer->isMetaDataAvailable()) {
qDebug() <<"resolution:" <<m_MediaPLayer->metaData("Resolution");
Using QMediaResource.resolution()
which also returns a QSize
qDebug() << "resolution:" << m_MediaPLayer->media().canonicalResource().resolution();
However, in both cases it returns -1,-1
for me for two videos I tried (one avi, and an mp4).
There are some old Qt threads about this problem: get resolution of a video file, and QMediaPlayer resolution returns (-1x-1). Although some solutions are given, none work for me, and in fact there is a bug report of this:
QTBUG-28850 - QMediaResource returns no media info
which is still open.
Some related questions:
An answer in the last question suggests to use MediaInfo, which contain libraries that can extract meta data of videos.
I expected OpenCV to be able to do this, however this is not the case.