I have library which contains string resource:
<string name="lib_name">MyLibrary</string>
Reference to library in application build.gradle:
compile project(':mylibrary')
In application module I have displayed this text resource:
android:text="@string/lib_name" />
There is no problem without using flavors. Now I want to add new flavor to library with different text.
build.gradle of library:
android {
productFlavors {
myFlavor {}
Then I create new resource file for new flavor \mylibrary\src\myFlavor\res\values\strings.xml:
<string name="lib_name">MyLibrary My Flavor</string>
But now I have build error, resource is not available anymore:
AAPT: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/lib_name').
I need this application has only default flavor. Resource in 'myFlavor' will be consumed in different application, which will also have 'myFlavor' flavor specified.
What I need to change in application to solve this error?
Thank you for any help.
Edit: I uploaded my sample project here.
Firstly, change flavor configuration to your dependency:
compile project(path: ':mylibrary', configuration: 'myFlavorRelease')
Secondly, replace your wrong AndroidManifest.xml in *mylibrary\src\myFlavor* by correct in *mylibrary\src\main*.