I am trying to generate a gif from an mp4 video file. I want to scale it and crop it while generating.
I achieved that (cropping & scaling) from mp4 to mp4 with the below line , (so I can extract pngs with ffmpeg and use Imagick to make animated gif), but I believe there is a better way of achieving purely with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter:v "scale=300:ih*300/iw, crop=200:500:50:80" -c:a copy out.mp4
My question is how to achieve the same this code is doing, but for directly generating gif from mp4.
Then I started tweaking with mp4 to gif conversion, but when palette comes in, I couldn't fully understand what's going on.
I found this answer and I made it work, however I couldn't understand how to adapt scaling & cropping.
$ ffmpeg -y -ss 30 -t 3 -i in.mp4 \
-vf fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png
$ ffmpeg -ss 30 -t 3 -i in.flv -i palette.png -filter_complex \ "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos[x];[x][1:v]paletteuse" out.gif
I partially understand what this bit does -y -ss 30 -t 3 -i in.mp4
(getting the first 30 seconds and generating a 3 second gif out of it). But for the next lines, I am completely lost what it is actually doing.
It'd be amazing if someone can explain what each command does, or refer a link explaining this topic.
In your first command,
ffmpeg -y -ss 30 -t 3 -i in.mp4 \
-vf fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,palettegen palette.png
causes ffmpeg to overwrite if output file already exists, so no prompt for confirmation.
, alias for -filter:v
, is a video filterchain, which takes one video input and processes each specified filter successively. So input -> filter 1 -> filter 2 ... -> filter n -> filter output
converts the source to this framerate by dropping or duplicating frames as needed, no interpolation performed. If your source is 20 fps, this will drop every other frame. If it's 5 fps, it will duplicate every frame once.
resizes the video to a width of 320 pixels and the height to a length so that the original aspect ratio is maintained. If you wanted to resize to 320x300, you would replace the -1
with 300
. Lanczos is the scaling algorithm used. See list here. Lanczos is good.
generates a 256 color palette of the entire input stream. Usually used in conjunction with paletteuse.
The -filter_complex
in your second command is when you have to apply filters to multiple inputs and/or need to generate multiple outputs. A bit long to summarize here, see here.