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Selenium wait for element to appear and dissapear

I have the following element:

<div class="ui-helper-hidden" id="shell.indicator.busy">
  <br />
  <img src="/RightCrowd/Images/loading.gif" alt="" />

And it appears like this:


I would like to wait for it to appear and then to disappear and continue with accessing elements. This appears on most pages of the web application. We've tried a few things but sometimes it is visible by Selenium and sometimes is not, although I can see it with my eyes.

I believe that this processing image appears on top of the current page and using the current handler may be useless. Not sure.

We've tried something like this:

        WebElement element = (new WebDriverWait(webDriver, 10))

        boolean processingEnd = (new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeoutWaitForProgressbar))

So we've tried both xpath and id... Please let me know what's the best way to handle this situation.


  • By default, the WebDriverWait would check the Expected Condition status every half a second. I would try to issue the expected condition check requests more often with a FluentWait class:

    Wait wait = new FluentWait(driver)
       .withTimeout(timeoutWaitForProgressbar, SECONDS)
       .pollingEvery(100, MILLISECONDS);