I have updated node to v4.2.4 with npm v2.5.0 in ubuntu 14.04 server. When i trying to npm install to ghost blogging warning message displayed and stopped installation. This bug occurred in my Digital Ocean server.
The warning message is
npm WARN cannot run in wd ghost@0.7.4 npm install semver && node -e "require('./core/server/utils/startup-check.js').nodeVersion()" (wd=/var/www/html/ghost)
sqlite3@3.1.1 install /var/www/html/ghost/node_modules/sqlite3
node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
I have tried with
GHOST_NODE_VERSION_CHECK=false && sudo npm install --production
according to this, But not working.
Thanks in advance.
I have had issue with Digitalocean's small intense and swap space with large npm installs. You might need to follow the following instructions on increasing swap space as well as how often it is used.