I create ChartControl dynamiclly and I have to set Diagram property as dynamiclly. Here is my code:
XYDiagram xyDiagram1 = new XYDiagram();
xyDiagram1.AxisX.Title.Text = "";
xyDiagram1.AxisX.VisibleInPanesSerializable = "-1";
xyDiagram1.AxisX.WholeRange.Auto = false;
xyDiagram1.AxisX.WholeRange.AutoSideMargins = false;
xyDiagram1.AxisX.WholeRange.MaxValueSerializable = "10";
xyDiagram1.AxisX.WholeRange.MinValueSerializable = "5";
xyDiagram1.AxisX.WholeRange.SideMarginsValue = 2.5D;
xyDiagram1.AxisY.Title.Text = "";
xyDiagram1.AxisY.VisibleInPanesSerializable = "-1";
barChart.Diagram = xyDiagram1;
But it throws This property can't be customized at runtime.
exception. Do you have any suggestion?
An instance of ChartControl.Diagram is automatically created by a chart. The ViewType enumerable controls what diagram is created. So, cast the ChartControl.Diagram property to your diagram type to get it. You don't need to create a diagram manually.