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Determine if you can make change with N denominations using each denomination only once and with at most k coins

This is a version of the coin-changing problem. As such, it is a dynamic programming problem.

I know how to determine if you can make change if either you can use at most one coin of each denomination or if you can use at most k coins, but not both.


  • Combining the constraints is fairly straightforward. We can build a three-dimensional table with dimensions representing maximum coin allowed, number of coins allowed, and target sum, or we can just say "screw it" and throw memoization on top of a straightforward recursive solution. In Python:

    # Assume we have a memoization decorator.
    # functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) would do.
    def knapsack_possible(coin_tuple, target, k):
        if not target:
            # Target achieved.
            return True
        elif not coin_tuple or not k:
            # Out of coins.
            return False
            return (knapsack_possible(coin_tuple[:-1], target, k) or
                    knapsack_possible(coin_tuple[:-1], target-coin_list[-1], k-1)