I am experimenting a bit with python's asyncio Protocols. I found this example from the official docs and wanted to slightly modify it and reproduce its beahviour. So I wrote the following two scripts:
# file: get_rand.py
from random import choice
from time import sleep
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# file: async_test.py
import asyncio
class Protocol(asyncio.SubprocessProtocol):
def __init__(self, exit_future):
self.exit_future = exit_future
self.output = bytearray()
print('Protocol initialised')
def pipe_data_received(self, fd, data):
print('Data received')
#def pipe_connection_lost(self, fd, exc):
# print('Pipe connection lost for the following reason:')
# print(exc)
def subprocess_exited(self):
print('Subprocess exited')
def get_rand(loop):
exit_future = asyncio.Future(loop=loop)
print('Process created')
created = loop.subprocess_exec(lambda: Protocol(exit_future),
'python3.5', 'get_rand.py',
stdin=None, stderr=None)
print('Getting pipes...')
transport, protocol = yield from created
print('Waiting for child to exit...')
yield from exit_future
print('Gathering data...')
data = bytes(protocol.output)
print('Returning data...')
return data.decode('ascii').rstrip()
def main():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
print('Event loop started')
data = loop.run_until_complete(get_rand(loop))
print('Event loop ended')
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I run async_test.py I get the following output:
$ python3.5 async_test.py
Event loop started
Process created
Getting pipes...
Protocol initialised
Waiting for child to exit...
Data received
And it just hangs.
If I uncomment the pipe_connection_lost
method, the output is the following:
$ python3.5 async_test.py
Event loop started
Process created
Getting pipes...
Protocol initialised
Waiting for child to exit...
Data received
Pipe connection lost for the following reason:
And still the process hangs. What I think is happening is that for some reason the child process (get_rand.py
) closes the pipe (as seen in the output above) but does not terminate so that the parent can unblock from yield from exit_future
. I really don't understand the reason behind this behaviour, considering that my code is mostly copy-pasted from an example in the python docs.
Change def subprocess_exited(self):