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gvNIX `finder geo all` Command not finding "geo field"

I am trying to create a map based application following this tutorial

I have a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database with a table called outlet on which I added a POINT column called location_gps via SQL:

SELECT AddGeometryColumn('outlet','location_gps','4210','POINT',2); . This results in an outlet table which looks like:

image of outlet table

Reverse engineering the database to get a Spring Roo app gives me an Outlet_Roo_DbManaged.aj with the field:

Snippet of code

This field is of type String. So when I run the gvNIX command finder geo all I get the message

The entity specified, Outlet doesn't have geo fields. Use "field geo" command to add new geo fields on current entity.

How can I overcome this issue?

Kind regards, T


  • Reverse engineering add-on doesn't support geometry columns (as it's a original Spring Roo add-on). So, you should push-in this property and modify its definition to support geometry column.

    Also, remember to execute the setup-commands of gvNIX geo add-on to include required dependencies in your project.

    Good luck!