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PHP Preg_match_all on XML/GML output on multiple lines

I try to get match multiple lines of XML/GML output with preg_match_all() from a WFS service. I receive a bunch of data that is available on a public server for everyone to use. I tried to use the s and m flag, but with little luck. The data I receive looks likes this:

      <zwr:achternaam>Koning, de</zwr:achternaam>
        <zwr:bedrijfsnaam>Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland</zwr:bedrijfsnaam>
        <zwr:telefoon>(015) 260 81 08</zwr:telefoon>
  <zwr:eenheid>kubieke millimeter per liter</zwr:eenheid>
  <zwr:hoedanigheid>niet van toepassing</zwr:hoedanigheid>
  <zwr:kwaliteitsOordeel>Normale waarde</zwr:kwaliteitsOordeel>
    <zwr:grootheid>Biovolume per volume eenheid</zwr:grootheid>

An example of the data can also be found at:

It is all in Dutch but that should not matter for the context of the question. The case is that I would like to search multiple lines of this code and get the values between tags. I also tried to read it all out separately (which worked out fine), but because there are multiple combinations of tags (sometimes a tag will be used or not), this mixes up the data I receive and there is no structure in the fetched data.

I thought it would be a good idea to read a whole set of tags so that I can keep the data together. The current preg_match_all() code I have is :

    <zwr:kwaliteitsOordeel>(.*)<\/zwr:kwaliteitsOordeel><zwr:parameterGrootheid><zwr:object>(.*)<\/zwr:object><zwr:grootheid>(.*)<\/zwr:grootheid><\/zwr:parameterGrootheid>/m", $content, $stof);

So as you can see I would like to read multiple values from one preg_match_all(), this will give me an array with multiple array's in it.

How do I read multiple tags after each other (which are on different lines?)? When I use a var_dump() to show all the data, it shows me a multidimensional array with no data in it. The s and m flags do not work for me? Am I doing something wrong? Other methods in PHP are welcome!


  • 1.) You need to add whitespace \s in between tags.
    <\/zwr:risicoNiveau> \s* <zwr:numeriekeWaarde>...

    2.) Further use .*? inside your capture groups for matching non greedy.

    3.) Improve regex readability by use of x flag (free spacing mode).
    Regex demo at regex101

    Note: Use exclusion ([^<]*?) rather than (.*?) for forcing the format like this. To match the remaining tags, use optional quantifier ? on optional tags like this with optional <zwr:object>

    $pattern = '~

    PREG_SET_ORDER Orders results so that $matches[0] is an array of first set of matches, $matches[1] is an array of second set of matches, and so on... read more in the PHP MANUAL

    if(preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $out, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0)

    See php demo at